Welcome back punters, it’s time for another Sunday Session with your friendly but quite mad Alechemist.
This week we’re delving into some dark arts with Mountain Goats rare breed Amylase Rum Porter. I’m thinking the “Amylase” is referring to the enzyme that converts the starches within the malt into sugars, in any case let’s slip into what I’m hoping will be a fitting winter beer.
Appearance – Pours a deep black with ruby highlights when held to the light, small loosely packed off white head that disappeared quickly to leave a nice cover and lacing with each sip. Carbonation looks a little lively.
Aroma – Sweet molasses, dark chocolate, some nice roasted malts with a prominent dark rum character, although I’m not picking up any oaky tannins. This is walking the talk as far as aroma is concerned, very nice.
Taste – Lots of dark rum up front followed by sweet molasses/brown sugar, dark chocolate and roasted malts. Again I’m not getting any oak character, I’m thinking that the rum might have been added and not been a character of barrel ageing.
Overall – Very enjoyable porter that’s on the impirial side. The rum is a little too pronounced but works well with the complex sweet molasses/chocolate character. I would have liked some oaky tannins to mix with and soften the rum but this beer works well as is and is a wonderful winter warmer. I’ve been enjoying the Goats Rare Breeds and I’m really impressed by their quality. If you haven’t tried this specialty range from Mountain Goat yet then I’d suggest heading out to find them, their well worth the look.
Well thats a wrap for this week my beer brethren, So stay tuned, drink up and brew strong! I’ll catch you all next week on the Sunday Session.
Cheers Swannie,
The Alechemist.