Welcome back to another Sunday Session Craft Beer Lover’s. Today’s beer is Knee Deeps Simtra Triple IPA.
I’ve really been loving what the Knee Deep guy’s have been releasing of late and it’s definitely no secret I’m a fan of big beer’s and hop’s. This one tickets both the boxes coming in at 11.25% ABV.
So how’d it go? Let’s dive in hey.
Appearance – Pours a nice gold with orange highlights, a pillowy white head that hangs around for ages. Nice tight continued carbonation release all combine well. Pleasing to the eye.
Aroma – Sweet tropical hop’s are aplenty along with some crisp piney notes. The malt character is biscuity with hints of toffee, although the hop’s shine over all and twists what malt can be found. I really love the way higher ABV beer’s play with hop’s, they sweeten otherwise sharp hop flavors. There are no alcohols on the nose. This is on the mark.
Taste – Big tropical and citrus hop’s greet your tongue with a nice hop sweetness before the pounding bitterness kicks in. Laying just beneath the hop’s is a nice biscuity malt backbone with a touch of crystal malts. The body is medium dry which is spot on for a Imperial IPA, it’s the trick with big IPA’s, if they are too sweet and syrupy they lose their drinkability. Simple sugers in the brewing process are key here. This is spot on and hides its alcohol really well.
Overall – This is a great example of an Imperial IPA, all be it’s on the Barley Wine side of things. The body allows for easy drinkability while still hiding that big ABV. The hop’s jump up and smack you in the face and the bittering hangs around for ages. I’m all over this like a hipster on a push bike…
Well thats a wrap for this week my beer brethren, So stay tuned, drink up and brew strong! I’ll catch you all next week on the Sunday Session.
Cheers Swannie,
The Alechemist.