Craft Beer Venue Finder Competition

We Love Craft Beer and Brewer Direct are on a mission to find EVERY Craft Beer venue in Australia.
Why? Because we want to make sure that every single one of them can be found in our Craft Beer Finder App. We already have over 550 but we know there are plenty more out there and we want you to help us find them.
Your Mission should you chose to accept it, is to send us a list of any venues that are NOT already in our Craft Beer Finder. Here is what to do

1. Visit our Craft Beer Finder
2. Do a search for your Craft Beer venues in your area
3. If you know of any that we have missed, email them to us
4. For EVERY venue that you email us, that is not already in the finder, you will receive 1 entry into our competition

The person who sends us the most venues will win a Brewer Direct 12 pack of Sailors Grave Beer valued at $73

Conditions of Entry. Your email address will be added to our database and you will receive some special offers on craft beer. Competition closes 31 August. Winner announced Friday 1 September 2017.